What is a gyroscooter and how to ride it?


Gyroscooter is a two-wheeled scooter, self-balancing scooter – personal electric vehicle in the form of a transverse bar with two wheels on the sides, and gyrocycles have high handles, which you can hold on to. A very modern sports toy, a type of transport, entertainment for young people.

Uses electric motors powered by an electric battery and a number of gyroscopic sensors for self-balancing and maintaining the horizontal position of the platform for the feet.

The invention dates back to the 1990s, when the first prototypes of vehicles using automatic balancing systems in their design appeared.

Progenitor of the modern gyrotransporta such type can be called the invention of the famous Segway. This device also has two wheels and a platform for the feet. Sometimes the model can even be equipped with a seat.

The first modern gyroscooters began to appear quite recently, in early 2014 x years. Several Korean and Chinese companies took up mass production and modernization of existing prototypes.

If we talk about quality, by 2016 there are already very decent models on sale, which are really great to ride.

A gyro scooter consists of several elements:

2 electric motors;
Gyroscopic sensor system;
The control device that processes the information coming from the sensors;
The body of the gyroscooter;
The battery.

There may be additional devices: display, remote control, Bluetooth module, speakers for music, lights, etc. Different manufacturers can offer different “trimmings”.

How to ride a gyroscooter
The management of the gyroscooter is not hand-arm control, but the movement of the body weight from side to side, like on a skateboard, so you need the knack to cope with the management, but it is easily acquired. For forward movement you have to lean in the appropriate direction, for braking and backward movement – vice versa. Turns are made by shifting body weight in the right direction. In general, everything is simple and logical, this machine is smart, it is interesting to operate it.

When the center of gravity of the body is moved forward gyroscopic sensors detect this movement and the motor begins to rotate forward. When the body is tilted forward, the device moves straight ahead.

Leaning back, the user sets the motion in the opposite direction, the scooter rides backwards.

When transferring the body weight on one leg, only one motor is turned on and the gyro scooter turns.

All actions of the control device and motors occur in a fraction of a second, almost instantaneously, without delay.

Usually after just a few minutes of practice a beginner is already confidently standing on a gyroscooter.

Temperature range for riding:

permissible from -10 to +50 ° C
Recommended from +10 to +30 ° C

Gyroscooter and some other modern inventions – transport is quite dangerous. In many countries the use of gyroscooters and hoverboards was banned both on roads and on sidewalks (the ban is in force in the UK, it is allowed to use them only in private areas with the consent of the owner). So you shouldn’t ride these devices on the roads. But for the park or playground they are just perfect.

Falls from gyroscooters (especially at speed) can lead to serious injuries, including fractures, but this applies to any transport – from skateboards to bicycles. You need a helmet, elbow and knee protection, and wrist protection, just like with roller skates. But if you look at the skaters, you will not find anyone wearing protection, it is rarely used.

And in general, if you have a place where you can ride, gyroscuter – a great buy for a teenager, which is much more interesting than any skateboard. This is the best buy for the summer. The main thing – first determine where you can ride it!